It’s the first Wednesday of the month, which means it’s #IWSG day! That would be the Insecure Writer’s Support Group if you didn’t know, started by the esteemed Alex J. Cavanaugh. Be sure to pop over to the website and check it out. You’ll find a fantastic community of like-minded writer types, all at varying stages …
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and you know what that means. It’s #IWSG Day! The question this month is… What pitfalls have you encountered on your journey to publication that you can share with others? Well, uh… hmm. I don’t actually know of many pitfalls from direct personal experience. To date, I …
It’s been said, names have power, and an evocative title is step one toward hooking your readers. Yet many of us spend little time giving thoughtful consideration to either. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of the online name generators. Here’s a better way to approach naming your characters and titling your story.
Another month has come and gone, and it’s time for the March IWSG post. Today, I’ll try to answer the question: How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal/finish a story? I supposed the answer depends in part on how you define writing achievements, or goals for that matter. Before we get rolling on that, …
This month’s IWSG post asks the question: What do you love about the genre you write in most often? Books for adults are all well and good, but books for children are far more important.
This month’s IWSG post asks the question: What steps have you taken to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing? After all, if we don’t make time for the things we love, we will never do them. Writing is no exception.
It’s IWSG Day again! The question this month is… Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published? This is a doozy of a question, but allow me to drop a plug for IWSG before I dive in. The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by …
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and you know what that means. Or, well, maybe you don’t. It’s #IWSG Day! The question this month is… Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on purpose? I sure have, but first, allow me to drop a plug …
This past Wednesday, I took part in the Insecure Writer’s Support Group’s monthly blog hop. The prompt dealt with trying new things and surprising yourself with your writing. My response to that prompt lives here. I am not a professional blogger, nor do I aspire to become one. I’ve only been tracking my adventures and …
Creative Insecurity: Creative people of all types tend to be insecure folks, I think. Creative folks are bold, daring, maybe a little crazy. They push the boundaries, lean into the unknown, risk failure. But because of that, they occasionally run afoul of moments of doubt and insecurity. Unfortunately, those are the moments that, from a …