
The Value of a Creative Writing MFA – A (sort of) IWSG post

Lesley University Student Center

I did it. I graduated. I am a creative writing “master,” which is a little weird to write. The title “novice” would probably be more accurate. But, two days out from having received my handshake and diploma (not really, just a certificate. The diploma will arrive in the mail a month from now), I am feeling most grateful for the people I met and the relationships I forged.

The NaNoWriMo Debate: Are You “For” or “Against” It?

Poster for National Novel Writing Month

  The Debate Rages On: Is NaNoWriMo a good thing or not?  Emotions run high when this question is asked.  I mean, folks get seriously heated.  Fans of NaNoWriMo start heating the tar and gathering the feathers whenever someone suggests that maybe NaNoWriMo isn’t the best thing ever.  Critics of NaNoWriMo sharpen their pen nibs in …