Because I’m a teacher, summer has always been my chance to get some solid writing done. Every year, I set myself a bunch of writing goals. Last year was a wash, sadly, because I spent the summer recovering from a somewhat substantial surgery and lacked the energy to do much of anything. This summer, though. …
Last time I posted, I shared some general life milestone moments culminating in the discovery that I need reading glasses. This time, I have far more exciting news to share. Life: A Long and Winding Road I started submitting short stories to science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazines in 2000. Back then, the internet …
Today on the Writescast Network, I’m sharing my thoughts on Making Good First Impressions when writing and submitting stories to paying markets. If you’re a new writer thinking about sending a story to a magazine, I encourage you to check it out.
I went on hiatus from posting to the blog back in March. Now, summer’s at an end here in the Witch City, so it’s time to get back to blogging with a summer recap. For the past few months, my focus has been on short stories, both reading and writing them!