Sharing a quick update (just kidding, this is definitely TL;DR) on what I’ve been up to this past month or so with regard to writing, teaching, fitness, and other stuff.(SFWA Writing Teaching Boskone) I Joined the SFWA! (SFWA Writing Teaching Boskone) I decided to apply for an associates level membership in the SFWA a couple …
For any aspiring author of fantasy, science fiction, and horror fiction, Boskone is one of the best, most supportive communities in New England.
Boskone56 is nearly upon us! Who’s excited? Me! Last year at this time, I was a hot mess. Boskone55 being my very first convention ever, I had no idea what to expect. I knew authors were going to be there, talking on panels, signing autographs, walking around in the halls, talking to people, and existing in …
No one I knew had ever heard of Boskone and, truth be told, neither had I until my Fantasy and Science Fiction professor at Lesley University told me about ReaderCon, which happens every summer in Quincy, Massachusetts. In researching that, I stumbled upon Boskone. Right there on the homepage, I saw enough to get me to register: Mary Robinette Kowal and Tamora Pierce.