It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and you know what that means. It’s #IWSG Day! The question this month is… What pitfalls have you encountered on your journey to publication that you can share with others? Well, uh… hmm. I don’t actually know of many pitfalls from direct personal experience. To date, I …
When’s the last time you did anything to refill your creative well? Making art is active, and focused, and intentional, and draining. Tapping into your creative mind is tiring, though many of us don’t notice that we’re fatiguing until we’re lying face down like a stick of butter that’s been left out on the counter in August. Try scheduling activities into your life that will nurture your creative spirit.
As part of my master’s program, I’m required to take an independent studies class each semester. It can’t be a course that is directly related to my primary area of study, which is writing for young people. Lesley University offers courses that run the gambit from travel writing to poetry to writing for stage and …
Hello world! Here is my very first post for this project. Yes, I’m calling my blog a project. Deal. Let’s start with the second question. What’s the point of this blog? Ugh, you may be thinking. Yet another author’s blog, another blog about writing. Sort of, I guess. It’s definitely not an author’s blog, …